Designer of sound

Hi, the designer of time is back to tell you guys more about my experience in my new team ”Cyclops”. I am taking a break from designing Echo (not the final name for the game) to write this blog post.

I havn’t  told you guys about Echo yet so this post will be a brief introduction to the game and a detail I have been working on.

In Echo you play as a moth in search for your children that are lost in a maze of branches. The games mechanic is light based as it is played out in the night. You will have to pick up lightberries if you want to see  as you barely see anything without it. Also look out for the enemies that will eat you and your children.


This week i made some background sound by accident.

I was playing around in audacity by recording noise and adding effects to it. Then a friend saw it and wanted to make some as well. So we recorded ourselves making funny sounds. We ended up with about six seconds of usefull recording.

I thought it would be funny to add it in the game as it was. After I implemented it in the game and played around for a bit, I lowered the pitch of the sound. This effect gave the sound, that sounded very goofy, a much more zombie(?) feeling ot it. This was about 0.5 pitch of the original. It may have sounded gruesome but it did not quite fit our game. And that’s when I went a bit crazy and lowered the pitch even more. I lowered it lower than any pitch been lowered before. This time I lowered the pitch to 0.1 and the effects was out of this world. It was gruesomer than ever but also felt like it fitted our game. The new sound make it feel terrifying when you are being chased down by a hunter and trying to protect you children.

Sadly I could not upload the sounds directly to this blog so instead I shared them on my googledrive. I have linked the sounds below and I hope the links work as they should.

Original sound

0,5 pitch

Final product

2 reaktioner till “Designer of sound

  1. Hello Theo! I’ve read you blog and I’m going to give you my two cents.

    -Firstly, you should run your text through some kind of spellcheck because you have recurring misspellings which causes confusion.
    -I like that you implemented the sounds you’ve been making, and showing the whole progress until finished product. Have you tested this in the game? Having a video with game play as well as sound would be awesome!
    -I find your title slightly misleading because around 30% of your text is about explaining the game.
    -You make puns in your text e.g. ”I lowered it lower than any pitch been lowered before”. This is fun to read, but you might want to consider having a more serious language depending on the seriousness of the blog-post.
    -It’s good that you focus on one artifact, in this case the sound. But the introduction to the project takes up a big chunk of your post which instead could have been used to describe the process of sound in more detail.

    It was an interesting blog to read and i’m impressed that your group has started doing sound already! I might take some inspiration myself and play around in audacity.


  2. Hello Theo! I’ve read you blog and I’m going to give you my two cents.

    -Firstly you should run your text through some kind of spellcheck because you have recurring misspellings which causes confusion.
    -I like that you implemented the sounds you’ve been making, and showing the whole progress until finished product. Have you tested this in the game? Having a video with game play as well as sound would be awesome!
    -I find your title slightly misleading because around 30% of your text is about explaining the game.
    -You make puns in your text e.g. ”I lowered it lower than any pitch been lowered before”. This is fun to read, but you might want to consider having a more serious language depending on the seriousness of the blog-post.
    -It’s good that you focus on one artifact, in this case the sound. But the introduction to the project takes up a big chunk of your post which instead could have been used to describe the process of sound in more detail.

    It was an interesting blog to read and I’m impressed that your group has started doing sound already! I might take some inspiration myself and play around in audacity.



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