Designer of color indication

Hi, it is I, the Designer of time. Back to write about my ideas of a color indication system for our game Echo. (Shit. The game is to be done soon, and we have not come up with any name yet other than the original concept name. I think we should redirect all our focus to come up with something else. I don’t think I can handle this pressure for much longer. I mean, how hard can it be to come up with a decent name. It doesn’t even have to be good, just something of our own, but why can’t we do it? I feel my depression resurface, and I can’t do anything to stop it.)


We have been having flowers in the game for a while now, but they do not have any use other than show the player where the moth has been in the level. What I have been doing is to come up with some ideas to make more use of these flowers.

The idea I came up with is to having the different colors of the flowers indicate what there is in the surrounding area, or just what are about to come if you adventure in a certain opening in the branches.


The green colored flower indicates a safe area and that there is a lost child nearby

Where the green flowers grow, there often are children somewhere close by and always indicate that the player can take it easy here, because it is a safe area without any enemies to fear. The player can therefore take it easy and take his time to search for the child.


The red colored flower indicates that there is enemies nearby and that the player should be wary.



When you see a red flower, you should be cautious and not rush through what lies next. This applies especially  when the player are leading any of the moths children.


These two flowers were pretty easy to figure out how to use. This is because in our society, green often are connected with good and safety, while red often are seen with danger and bad stuff. The simplest example of this in the real world I could think of is traffic lights. When it shows green it is safe to proceed, and when it is red it is dangerous to do just that. That includes both pedestrians and drivers.

So I wanted to use one more color to use just for the original using of the flowers. With that in mind, I took the blue flower because it felt the most neutral of the colors that we already had.

The blue colored are there to guide the player through the level and show where you have been already.



When you see a blue flower that is already lit, you know that you have visited this place before. You should then feel familiar with this place and perhaps remember if there is any red flowers nearby that you might want to avoid.


And with that I, the Designer of time, is signing out to continue with my designs.



En reaktion till “Designer of color indication

  1. Hello, Theo!

    In your writing, you did a great job explaining the use of the different flowers and what the colors meant, although it would’ve been nice to know why you thought it was necessary to give them more meaning than they had previously. It might seem obvious to you, but explaining your reasoning to the reader would’ve made for an interesting read.
    I am also unsure of how exactly the blue flowers work after your changes. If you don’t encounter the enemy close to a red flower, won’t it always stay red? How would you indicate that the player’s already been there? Or are they two different flowers entirely? I felt like all of this was still a bit unclear.
    I also don’t understand your writing about the title of the game in the beginning of the text, as I thought that it felt unrelated to the rest of the text.
    I liked the way you explained the reason behind the color choices, and how you thought through how most people would react to the different colors. It shows that you clearly can think about the audience for the game and that you wish to make it easy for them to understand the hints.

    Keep up the good work!


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